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INTERVIEW WITH A GRAPHIC DESIGNER & ANIMATOR I Animation Industry I Logo Design I Much more

10 Views· 28 Aug 2023
Admin VLIMMA.com
Admin VLIMMA.com
1 Subscribers

Hello guys,

Mr Umar's Insta - https://instagram.com/umarjafa....rpathan?igshid=fdpcs
https://www.instagam.com/indiananimationcommunity - IAC
https://www.instagram.com/anime_assembly - anime assembly
https://www.instagram.com/in_sane_artist - Art by

IAC (Indian Animation Community)- We are group of BSc-Animation students from MUIT (Maharishi University of Information Technology), Noida.
Our objectives behind IAC is to help and guide the people who are interested to learn about animation. Although, we do not make tutorials we can guide you with the things.

It's a interview video with a graphic designer. Hope it will help you guys to gather useful knowledge and experience.

Like, share and subscribe our channel.
And also follow us on instagram.

Thank you!!!!

#animation #graphicdesigning #graphicdesign #logo #2danimation #3danimation #animator #indiananimation #indiawantsanime #interview #knowledgeable #education#indiananimemovement #q&a #animeindia #animationindia

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